Ms. Keenan's 5th class
MS. KEENAN'S 5TH CLASS 2024/2025
The boys have really enjoyed helping Junior Infants with their fine motor skills, such as cutting. We have some future leaders and teachers in our class for sure!
Jack the rugby coach came to teach our class some key rugby skills in September.
Making the most of the ☀️, with an outdoor Maths relay 😎
In October we took part in a Nutty Scientist Workshop. We learned lots and had a really enjoyable morning. We carried out an experiment to extract DNA using strawberries!
➖Maths Week ➕
We were so lucky to undertake a 6- week Cycling Programme this year. The boys learned valuable skills and lessons. They are more road conscious and confident. It was brilliant to see them improving each week.
On Thursday, December 12th, our class, together with Ms. Quirke's 5th class, participated in a soccer tournament at Cherry Orchard FC. The boys played a range of matches with their teams. It was a great day where the boys could showcase their amazing skills! They were a joy to watch and made the school very proud.
We performed a selection of short Christmas plays, getting us into the festive spirit!🧑🎄 The boys showed great confidence and talent! Various classes in the school came to watch them perform. They are a talented bunch!
We really felt the Christmas Spirit in St. Lorcan's this year with lots of fun and festive activities. We were lucky to get to attend the brilliant Pantomime in Pobalscoil, have some singers perform some wonderful Christmas songs, and enjoy the acts of a talented and hilarious magician.
🌲Happy Christmas from all of 5th class🌲