2nd Class A
Mr Walsh 2nd Class 2024/2025
Halloween Art
Procedural Writing
The boys were joined by Ms Devine's 3rd/4th class to help them with their procedural writing. The 3rd/4th class boys had been working on how to draw anime characters and had written a series of steps for the boys to follow. The boys had great fun follow the 3rd/4th class' instructions and ended up with some fantastic drawings!
Library Visit
The class was invited down to Palmerstown Library for the afternoon. The boys could sit and relax with a book and even got to take a book back to school to read! The boys really enjoyed the visit!
As part of SPHE, the boys have been learning about respect through playing chess. Each week, a new chess piece is introduced. The boys have really enjoyed learning how to play and learning all about the different pieces.
St Pats Saints and Scholars
Ms Greally has kindly organised for the boys to take part in the St Pats Saints and Scholars Program. This will run for 5 weeks. The boys will be learning from different strands of the maths curriculum through the theme of soccer. The boys will also be given the chance to play soccer matches every week! The boys are thrilled to have been chosen to take part!
3D Shapes
This week, we have started to look at 3D Shapes in maths. We discussed lots about 3D shapes, what things might be 3D and what 3D shapes we know. We even went on a shape hunt around the school trying to find as many 3D shapes as we could.
This morning, I gave the boys a challenge to make cubes and cuboids only using spaghetti and marshmallows. It was very tricky but the boys managed to make excellent shapes!