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Green Schools 

We are a Green School here in St. Lorcan's.

We have 4 Green Flags to date.

We are currently working hard to attain our 5th Flag - Biodiversity. 

We have a Litter, Energy, Water and a Travel Green School Flag

The Green School's Committee is made up of students from 2nd - 6th Class. There are two boys from each class involved.

We also have a Green School's Detective Team.

This team is made up of 7 students.


Here's what the team did last year:

These boys do a whole school check each day at 12.30 pm.

They check to see if any taps, lights or appliances have been left on. They also check if the the bins have any non recyclables in them. 

The different classes are given points for each of the various aspects. The class with the most points win. 

The winners are announced on a Friday.

A bronze award is given to the winners.

The winning class is announced over the intercom.

There is also a Green School's Noticeboard on display always in the hall. 

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